Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Rear Brakes, Steering Rack, Pedal Box

August 14, 2013 -

  It's been a little while since I posted. Sorry, but things have been getting done. I got the rear brake rotors and calipers mounted.

  After that I got the steering rack and shaft in.

  Lastly, I put together the pedal box and installed it into the driver's foot box.  The brake pedal is in with two master cylinders connected (two metal cylinders on top with yellow caps on them.) You can also see the clutch cable coming over the clutch quadrant in the lower left part of the picture. The hardest part of the pedal box was using cheap snap ring pliers to get the snap rings off and on.  What I eventually realized was that the holes in the snap rings were just a little too small for the points I had on my snap ring plier attachments. (Yeah it's the kind with multiple attaching heads so you can imagine how good that grip is.) But since they were cheap I didn't care about taking a file to the points and filing them down to a smaller diameter which would fit in the holes in the snap rings.

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