Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Oil Filter Relocator

April 29, 2014 -

  Today I got the correct spin on adapter for the oil filter relocator.  This is the part that goes on the engine and sends and receives the oil back through some big lines to the relocated oil filter.  Here I'm showing a picture of the oil filter and the bracket it hangs on to show you how big the oil filter is. (That's a large 4" tube next to the filter.)

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Straight Tubes & Rear Panel

April 24, 2014 -

  Today I put transmission fluid in the transmission.  I didn't take a picture but probably should have.  It was kind of cool to see the gears inside.  I also put the straight tubes on the headers.  It's a shiny part so I did take a picture:

  Then I started marking and drilling the rear cockpit aluminum panel.  I probably should have stopped before putting it in and let the rest of the work be done another day.  It's a lot of drilling.  But I thought I wouldn't get to it for a while if I didn't so I went ahead.  There are a lot of rivets to this large panel and once I start with the wet silicone I like to finish.  Drilling into the steel frame is always tough and I think I went through almost all of the 8 remaining 1/8" drill bits I had left.  (I bought a 10 pack last weekend.)  Finally it was in and I looked at a clock and 2 1/2 hours had gone by.  Here's what it looks like now though:

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


April 21, 2014 -

  I put in the three panels that cover the end of the transmission tunnel where it comes in to the rear cockpit wall.  The only odd thing was that the two corner panels meet the top panel at an angle so that your regular rivet won't reach through both aluminum panels and the frame.  If you use the longer 1/2" long 1/8" rivet it will reach all the way to the frame.

Monday, April 21, 2014


April 12, 2014 -

  Today I got the radiator partially installed.  I needed help holding it in place while I zip tied it around the frame.  Thanks Mom for the helping hand there!  Later on I drilled and bolted the top part in to the frame.  (The bottom part comes later per the manual.)

  I've also been installing some of the remaining hard fuel line and hard fuel return line but nothing cool enough to warrant a photo yet.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Passenger Header

April 5, 2014 -

  I got a lot done today it felt like. I finally got the passenger side header on with some "type 8 fasteners". (Thank you Dale!) They are basically bolts that replace the studs that come with the engine block. I wish the manual had explained this or the kit had come with these necessary items. You can see one in the top row not quite all the way right. The other is a little hidden in the bottom row in the middle left.

  After that I put the starter back on and attached the shift lever I got from MGW and the knob Tremec gave me.