Sunday, April 27, 2014

Straight Tubes & Rear Panel

April 24, 2014 -

  Today I put transmission fluid in the transmission.  I didn't take a picture but probably should have.  It was kind of cool to see the gears inside.  I also put the straight tubes on the headers.  It's a shiny part so I did take a picture:

  Then I started marking and drilling the rear cockpit aluminum panel.  I probably should have stopped before putting it in and let the rest of the work be done another day.  It's a lot of drilling.  But I thought I wouldn't get to it for a while if I didn't so I went ahead.  There are a lot of rivets to this large panel and once I start with the wet silicone I like to finish.  Drilling into the steel frame is always tough and I think I went through almost all of the 8 remaining 1/8" drill bits I had left.  (I bought a 10 pack last weekend.)  Finally it was in and I looked at a clock and 2 1/2 hours had gone by.  Here's what it looks like now though:

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