Friday, January 2, 2015


January 1, 2015 -

  With some help from Michele I got the trunk put attached.  I'd strongly recommend another hand with the trunk as it makes it much easier having someone just hold the fiberglass while you attach it and also hold it while you have to keep opening and closing it to make adjustments to get it to fit.  I didn't file very much off the edges as I'm going to leave the sanding and bodywork to the body shop when they do the final paint job. I'm just looking for a rough fit.  Here's Michele helping out:

  Michele wanted one of me.  Also, this is the new garage that is well lit and warm!

  The trunk handle is nice once you get that on so you don't have to lift the trunk hood by the hole.  The lock can be a little sticky so be patient.

  I wasn't sure about the latch pin.  It goes through the hole in the fiberglass which you can see below, but then is supposed to go through a hole in the frame but this is blocked by the aluminum panel already in place. I'm dreading the idea of having to drop the gas tank again to get this pin in, so I thought I would stop and ask around about this before continuing.

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