Monday, April 11, 2016

Body Dash

March 10, 2016 -

  I haven't gotten a lot done lately. Still wrapping up house build punch list items but I also got another case of the frustrations when the passenger side windshield support wouldn't fit in the slot in the body because it was obstructed by the dash aluminum. I spoke to Factory Five and some others and there are ways to adjust the body. Some that have gone before me highly recommend trimming the body away from the dash covering regardless, so that the fiberglass body isn't digging into the dash. I trimmed off about 1/4" using a Dremel.

  This created a lot of fiberglass dust which is blocking the view of the gap I created between the body and the dash but you can get the idea here.

  I should have done this at the beginning of the project for anything related to cutting the fiberglass but I invested in a decent respirator for this kind of work. I highly recommend it.

  In the end, this didn't help the body move at all and the trick to getting the windshield to fit in the slots is just to lengthen the slots themselves. (More chances to wear the respirator!)

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