Friday, July 19, 2013

Front Wilwood Brakes

July 19, 2013 -
  Since I wasn't sure I used the *exact* right thread locker on the small bolts that hold the two pieces of the front brake rotor together, I followed a friend's advice and ran safety wire through these dozen bolts on each front rotor.  I looked just about everywhere but no local stores had safety wire.  After looking online for 5 seconds I found it as well as the concept of safety wire pliers which make twisting the wire faster and prettier.  I bought the wire online with some cheap safety wire pliers. First, unless you've done safety wiring before, you will cut your hands or fingers at least once learning.  Second, your first one (or two) won't look so great so you'll probably just pull it out.  Lastly, my cheap pliers worked just about until the end.  Right as I was doing the last two, the clip that slides back to hold the pliers clamped down on the wires started bending in a way that let the pliers mouth pop open and not stay clamped on the wires.  I don't think I'll have to safety wire anything else so I can see both arguments for good tools that cost more, and a cheap tool that lasts just as long as you need it.  Here's one of the rotors with safety wiring.  The safety wire pliers are above and next to them are some needle nose pliers which came in handy too.

  Once that was done I could put in the front Wilwood 6 piston calipers.

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