Monday, September 9, 2013

Battery Box and Wheels

September 8, 2013 -

  I topped off the fluid in the IRS center section (rear differential) and then installed the new battery box I got from FF Metal. I had to trim about 1/4 of an inch off the support bar but otherwise it fit in great! It was also nice having a second hand around to hold it to line up all those pre-drilled holes. (Thanks Rachel!)

  Next I thought I would check the ride height by putting the wheels on. The frame rail by the doors are 9 inches off the ground but the large frame tubes dip a little lower and I would imagine this all lowers some with the engine and transmission installed.  I also think the fiber glass body will wrap down below the frame a little getting still closer to the ground.  Wheels on made for nice pictures below but also let me check for flexible brake line rubbing / interference in turning the wheels which is something I'm going to have to think about.  I found that so far, turning the wheels on the ground without power steering is easy.

  For some perspective on how low and small this car is, I put myself in one shot. I'm no giant...

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