Monday, December 30, 2013

Engine Lifted

December 29, 2103 -

  I got the oil pressure gauge sender on (although in the picture below you can't see it because it is on the back side of the engine.)  I lifted the engine so that I can get at the oil pan on the bottom and so that I can get the bell housing all the way on.  (The crate was preventing it from meeting all the way up to the engine.)  With no bell housing on here you can see the pressure plate (front bottom dark round part) with the clutch inside of that.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Clutch, Bell Housing, Engine Lift, Transmission Mount

December 20 - 22, 2014 -

  I attached the clutch and pressure plate to the flywheel on the engine and then put on the bell housing over those.  The big gray thing on the engine is the bell housing and the clutch and pressure plate are inside of it.

  Then I attached the mount block onto the transmission.  It is the black rubber block under the left part of the transmission in this picture.

  Lastly I bought an eye loop, chain, and hooks for the engine lift and put that together.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Upper Trunk Floor

December 15, 2013 -

  I got on another large panel.  This was the upper trunk floor with the hole cut out for the drop down battery box.  There was *a lot* of riveting and drilling.  Thanks go to Kara who started out riveting some side patch panels on the trunk sides.  I think I broke four drill bits over the course of just this one panel. So without further adieu....

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Fuel Pump & Alternator

December 14, 2013 -

  Today I took the fuel pickup out of the fuel tank and installed the fuel pump.  I managed to do this through a oval hole in the trunk floor panel and not having to take the tank off the frame which was nice.  It took me a while until I pulled out the pump and looked in the tank and saw the rectangular walled section inside the tank which I think is there as a baffle to prevent fuel sloshing around your pump intake.  So the pump needs to fit into that rectangle inside at the bottom of the tank.  (You need to feed the pump in backwards, hook it into the rectangle and then turn it around so the outside line connections face forward.)

  Next I deconstructed the cardboard box and wooden crate the engine came in.  The base of the pallet and crate are still there serving as an engine stand.  Per the Factory Five directions I removed the stock headers on the engine.  I then installed the alternator on the engine.  There is one more pulley I need to put on before I put the belt on and then that will be done.  The alternator is at the front and bottom on the engine in this picture with the smaller black wheel on it.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Fuel Line .... and Hushmat

December 5, 2013 -

  I worked on the fuel line today.  My first bend kinked the line badly.  This meant cutting the kinked part out, putting the end nut on the new end, and then double flaring the newly cut end.  I am not sure my flaring tool had much life left in it.  As you might recall the 3/16" piece in the kit broke the last time I used it.  Fuel lines are 5/16" though.  Well after two more flarings this is what part of the tool looks like now.  (Compare the two wing nuts.)

  But I got one good double flaring out of it and installed the line.  I also installed the flexible line connecting this hard line to the fuel filter.  It is dark under the car so I'm not sure how well this picture will show...

  I'm left with a 5 foot long fuel line that I connect under the car to this one.  Five feet is a lot and will stick way up into the engine bay so it looks like I will have to cut that one.  That means having to do another double flaring....
  I'm a little unsure if the fuel filter will need to move more aft to make clearance for a rising rear tire.  It looks close.  [UPDATE: Move that fuel filter as far back as possible! I had to move it twice!] I'll have to to a load test on the ground and check it out.  Next up, I will be putting in the fuel pump.  This will mean I have to take out the fuel pickup I had already put in per the manual.  I wish someone would have told me that ahead of time.  I think I cut my finger installing that fuel pickup.

  And I forgot to add that I put on the first piece of Hushmat (like Dynamat) which insulates both sound and temperature.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Driver Cockpit Quarter Panel & Transmission

December 4, 2013 -

  I got the driver's side cockpit quarter panel in today.  We are having some warmer weather here so that was nice.  It is starting to look like someone could sit in this....

  Yesterday the transmission and a few other engine parts were delivered.  Here is what the transmission looks like.