Thursday, December 5, 2013

Fuel Line .... and Hushmat

December 5, 2013 -

  I worked on the fuel line today.  My first bend kinked the line badly.  This meant cutting the kinked part out, putting the end nut on the new end, and then double flaring the newly cut end.  I am not sure my flaring tool had much life left in it.  As you might recall the 3/16" piece in the kit broke the last time I used it.  Fuel lines are 5/16" though.  Well after two more flarings this is what part of the tool looks like now.  (Compare the two wing nuts.)

  But I got one good double flaring out of it and installed the line.  I also installed the flexible line connecting this hard line to the fuel filter.  It is dark under the car so I'm not sure how well this picture will show...

  I'm left with a 5 foot long fuel line that I connect under the car to this one.  Five feet is a lot and will stick way up into the engine bay so it looks like I will have to cut that one.  That means having to do another double flaring....
  I'm a little unsure if the fuel filter will need to move more aft to make clearance for a rising rear tire.  It looks close.  [UPDATE: Move that fuel filter as far back as possible! I had to move it twice!] I'll have to to a load test on the ground and check it out.  Next up, I will be putting in the fuel pump.  This will mean I have to take out the fuel pickup I had already put in per the manual.  I wish someone would have told me that ahead of time.  I think I cut my finger installing that fuel pickup.

  And I forgot to add that I put on the first piece of Hushmat (like Dynamat) which insulates both sound and temperature.

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