November 30, 2014 -
I started to give up on being able to put in the windshield wiper motor because there was so little space available due to the heater on the passenger side of the engine bay firewall. When I mentioned bagging it to my internet friend and fellow MK4 builder Dale, he said, "You've come this far on it, might as well figure it out. Also, are windshield wipers required in your state?" So I got motivated and worked it in there until it fit. I felt pretty good about it afterwards and knew I shouldn't have been thinking of giving up on it. Thanks again Dale! Here's the wiper motor just left of the black heater:
Next up, I siliconed and riveted the outter top panel of the driver's side foot box. Thank you Michele for the help riveting.
While helping and unbeknownst to me, Michele snapped a few of me working. See, I do read the directions, even if they don't always make sense.
Here's a rare one of me using gloves to avoid cutting myself on the aluminum panel edges:
I need to move this car project to another garage soon so I am motivated to get the body on as that would be a pain to move to the other garage (with the body buck.) It would be a lot easier to move the car (drive it? [it's only a few blocks...]) with the body on. The wiper motor and that footbox panel needed to go on before the body as I thought those would be hard to access once the body is on. I think there's one more panel to rivet on (the driver's side top inner footbox panel) and drilling bolt holes for the roll bars before I can put the body on. (So close!) Unfortunately, the rear leg of the roll bar isn't fitting on the frame mount. That's the next problem to solve.