Thursday, December 18, 2014


December 17, 2014 -

  This was a big day and I had high hopes.  I put the last of the bulb seal on that needed to go on before the body and put some foam on the sides of the foot boxes.  Here are some past shots before the body went on.  The sun rays were kind of cool and that's the body buck in the background.

  This one from the rear is funny cause my shadow makes it look like Homer Simpson took this photo.

My Dad helped me put the body on.  Thanks Dad!

  What you aren't seeing in these photos is what a giant pain the rear quick jack bolts are to put on.  You need to drop the gas tank in order to put the bolt through.  (And I only found that after fiddling for an hour and then calling Factory Five. [Pro tip: The passenger side tank strap is really hard to get all the way up to where it needs to meet the bolt hole. I used a two by four on its side between the strap and the jack which both lifted the tank and pushed the strap up into position.])  In the afternoon I got the roll bars on with their cool grommets. (Would definitely recommend them as they look great.)  (Photo tomorrow when its lighter.)  Lastly, the car didn't start. Maybe I loosened the fuel pump connection when lowering the gas tank. Will have to figure it out tomorrow.  Guess the car isn't getting moved today.

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