Monday, December 8, 2014

Aluminum Panels

December 7, 2014 -

  I put in the rest of the driver's side inner top panel on the footbox.  There's a cutout hole in it which I decided not to rivet in but screwed in as it seemed like one might want access to that later on (for reasons like adjusting the balance bar on the brakes.)

  I think you can tell in the above photo that I had some more light to work with today.  :-)  Also, big thanks to my neighbor Zack for letting me use an extension cord to run the air compressor that runs my riveter.
  Before the body goes on I thought I might go around and put in some panels that might be hard to drill holes for once the body is on.  Here are two oval patch panels in the trunk I put on.  Again here I used screws because these cover the fuel level sender in the fuel tank and the fuel pump.  I've had a couple times where the fuel pump connector was iffy and needed some adjusting so I didn't want to rivet myself away from opening this up in the future.  I may later on use a screw with a flatter head though.  These were the screws that came with the car holding a bunch of aluminum panels in place.

  Next up is to finish fitting the roll bars to get their mounts drilled.  I think bulb seal goes around some spots on the car and then the body! Then it'll get moved to the garage I'm at which has power.

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