Monday, October 14, 2013

More Brake Lines

October 14, 2013 -

  I tried to make a big push today to finish up the brake lines.  I almost finished.  Here is a picture of the rear hard brake line.  I opted for the shorter pathway which left some extra line which I used up in a few gratuitous turns...

  Next I started on the front hard brake line.  I needed to do a double flaring and here it is:

  This was much better than my practice attempts which I may or may not have posted.  Those pictures aren't pretty.  With this piece I put in the front brake line (from the master cylinder to the T junction.)

  The line comes across left to right under the black bar and then down to the T junction.  The engine stuff you see is a motorcycle in the background.  One more double flaring and I can attach the first brake line I bent and it'll be time to fill with brake fluid and bleed the lines!

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