Friday, March 21, 2014

Accelerator Pedal

March 21, 2014 -

  When you first open part one of the Coyote installation manual from Factory Five, there are a whole bunch of pages explaining how to put in the accelerator pedal.  It made it seem a little intimidating and I think I felt like I had put it off.  I've learned in this project you have to get to everything so don't put things off or procrastinate.  And once you are in the job it doesn't seem as hard as it did before starting.  Anyways, the pedal seems like a big job because you need to cut the Coyote pedal off and merge it to the steel Factory Five pedal which you have to cut in half too.  I guess this is because you need the narrowness of the Factory Five pedal (and I suppose it looks more historically accurate for the car?) but you also need the electronic sensing and sending hardware in the upper part of the Coyote pedal.  Drilling through the Coyote pedal's plastic webbing just to trim back webbing was a little awkward and sometimes it helped to use the Dremel. There was also a part where I had to clamp the two pedals together to test the fit and I needed a small clamp that would fit in between the pedal arm and the footbox wall.  I borrowed one from Jeff.  Thank you Jeff!  Here you can see the finished pedal:

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