Friday, March 21, 2014

Engine Back In

March 18, 2014 -

  My friend and neighbor Damon came over in the evening to help me get the engine back in.  I actually got it pretty close on my own, but in the end needed a hand for the final fit.  There is both a bolt and a "nub" that should both fit in the engine mount bracket on the frame and getting them lined up on both sides was challenging but we did it. Thank you Damon! With my angle grinding on the edge of the frame plate that is the front of the driver cockpit area and moving the top of the driver's side inner footbox panel inwards, the upper part of the engine now has the clearance it needs. The driver's side header is touching the footbox but I think that is because I have two layers of dynamat there on the outside.  If I remove the dynamat at that point and put some on the inside I think that will be alright.

  Even though it was something like 10pm, I was excited to have this in so I kept going and put on the drive shaft which connects the transmission to the rear differential.

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