Monday, March 31, 2014


March  28 - 30, 2014 -

  Not a lot of pictures to show because I have only been re-doing things I've already posted about. After the driver's side header hitting the footbox on the last engine install, Factory Five told me they hadn't sent me an engine mount spacer that only goes on the driver's side. I got the part Friday and pulled the engine out myself Friday and installed the spacer. Saturday my dad and Dave helped put the engine back in and the spacer not only did the trick for the header but is probably all I needed for the top of the engine to fit just fine too. Oh well.
  Next up was the drive shaft. It's forward knuckle (universal joint) was hitting the frame as it rotated by. I ended up putting some washers and a longer bolt in and got 1/8" clearance but I think I will head back to the store and put in more washers for a little extra room. That rubber mount may compress over time.

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