Sunday, July 13, 2014


July 12, 2014 -

  I put the battery in the battery box today after some padding I put in the bottom, front and back of the inside of the box had its adhesive (silicone) dry.  This is an Optima AGM type battery which has no fluid inside of it.

  I also attached the ground strap to the frame after removing some of the powder coating so that a good ground connection can be made with the metal of the frame.  The challenge here was getting a drill under the car and up high enough to make this hole.  I couldn't get the drill squarely on the frame so the drill bit wanted to 'walk' away if you will.  I ended up starting a small hole with a special dremel bit first.  Once there was a small hole, the regular drill bit could stay on the same spot even if it was at an angle.

  Lastly, I affixed the clutch cable to the F panel and put some thermal wrap on it to protect it from the heat coming off the header.  While the manual mentioned either the engine or the 3/4" tubing as an attachment point, there is no good spot on the Coyote engine and this bracket was not in a position or shape to reach the 3/4" tubing.  I have read about others doing this on the forum and I don't think the clutch cable pulls so hard that this will be an issue.

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