Saturday, July 26, 2014

Rear Brake Fix and Seat Heater

July 26, 2014 -

  If I haven't mentioned this before the rear brake caliper was *really* close to the wheel, touching the driver's side wheel in fact.  Factory Five admitted that I had the wrong mounting bracket and sent me a new one.  Here you can see the new one next to the old one.  Notice how much shorter it is, which will let the caliper sit lower and give the wheel more clearance.

  After getting everything back together, now you can see daylight between the brake caliper and wheel.

  I also started working on putting a seat heater in the stock seats that come with the kit.  The bottom cushion was pretty easy.  The vinyl cover there is lightly glued on to the foam cushion and peels off fairly easily.  There is some padding backing the vinyl and that tended to rip as it separated from the foam.  Just go slow and keep your fingers close to the materials making contact and it'll come off ok.  I used the cobra heat seat heaters.  The tape they come with is pretty useless but I sprayed some Sprayway 92 adhesive and that stuck pretty well to the foam and seat heater.  I started working on putting the seat heater in the back and that is a much bigger job!  You have to remove about 40 hog rings to pull the vinyl covering off the back. Here's what that looks like.  (The seat heater is red.)

  I'm in the process now of putting the hog rings back on.  It's a job worth splitting over more than one day.  In the picture you can see the seat cushion flipped over forward and the seat heater wire coming through a hole I made in the foam so that it will come out below the seat.

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